Liste des Publications de Pierre-Yves Lagrée

Page Ouaibe à jour 01/25:
88 Revues
66 Congrès avec actes (revues, livres)
63 Congrès sans actes, Workshops
6 Ecoles, cours
1 Brevet
6 Rapports de contrats
59 Séminaires, Présentations orales.

Soumis Resoumis Insoumis Quasimis Mis Endormis

89 Revues  

  • Raphaël Kerverdo , Sara Lafuerza, Christian Gorini, Alain Rabaute, Didier Granjeon, Rémy Deschamps, Eric Fouache, Mina Jafari Pierre-Yves Lagrée
    "The impact of Storm Alex on the Vievola catchment: a quantitative analysis of sediment volume and morphological changes in the Roya River tributaries "
    Landslides (2024).
  • Hugo A. Martin, Marc Peruzzetto, Sylvain Viroulet, Mangeney, A. , Pierre-Yves Lagrée Popinet, S., Maury, B., Lefebvre-Lepot, A., Maday, Y., Bouchut, F,
    "Numerical simulations of granular dam break: Comparison between DEM, Navier-Stokes and thin-layer models"
    Phys. Rev. E 108, 054902 – Published 6 November 2023
  • Lydie Staron, Laurent Duchemin Pierre-Yves Lagrée
    Cohesive granular columns collapsing: Numerics questioning failure, cohesion, and friction"
    August 2023 Journal of Rheology 67(5):1061-1072
    DOI: 10.1122/8.0000674
  • SK Irvine, LA Fullard, DJ Holland, DA Clarke, TA Lynch, Pierre-Yves Lagrée
    "Capturing the dynamics of a two orifice silo with the μ(I) model and extensions"
    Advanced Powder Technology 34 (7), 104044 (2023)
  • A. Gans A. Abramian, Pierre-Yves Lagrée M. Gong, A. Sauret, O. Pouliquen and M. Nicolas
    "Collapse of a cohesive granular column"
    J. Fluid Mech. (2023), vol. 959, A41,
  • Z. Zou, P. Ruyer, Pierre-Yves Lagrée and P. Aussillous
    "Nonsteady discharge of granular media from a silo driven by a pressurized gas"
    PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS 7, 064306 (2022)
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.7.064306
  • Anais Abramian, Lydie Staron, Pierre-Yves Lagrée
    "How cohesion controls the roughness of a granular deposit"
    Soft Matter, 2021,
    DOI: 10.1039/D1SM01148K
  • V. Jules, E. Lajeunesse, O. Devauchelle, A. Guérin, C. Jaupart and Pierre-Yves Lagrée
    "Flow and residence time in a two-dimensional aquifer recharged by rainfall"
    J. Fluid Mech. (2021), vol. 917, A13,
  • Jeanne Ventre, Salam Abou Taam, José Maria Fullana, Pierre-Yves Lagrée
    "Distribution of Flow in an Arteriovenous Fistula Using Reduced-Order Models" J Biomech Eng . 2021 Oct 1;143(10):101010.
    doi: 10.1115/1.4051282.
  • Geoffroy Kirstetter, S. Popinet, Christophe Josserand Pierre-Yves Lagrée
    "b-flood 1.0: an open-source Saint-Venant model for flash floodsimulation using adaptive refinement"
    Special Issue: Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean (ACP/AMT/GMD/HESS/NHESS/OS inter-journal SI)
  • Olivier Devauchelle, É́ric Lajeunesse, François James, Christophe Josserand Pierre-Yves Lagrée
    "Walkers in a wave field with memory"
    CRAS Volume 348, issue 6-7 (2020), p. 591-611.
    DOI: 10.5802/crmeca.29
  • Z. Zou, P. Ruyer, Pierre-Yves Lagrée and P. Aussillous
    "Discharge of a silo through a lateral orifice: Role of the bottom inclination versus friction"
    PHYSICAL REVIEW E 102, 052902 (2020)
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.102.052902
  • Anais Abramian, Lydie Staron, Pierre-Yves Lagrée
    "The Slumping of a Cohesive Granular Column: Continuum and Discrete Modelling"
    Journal of Rheology (Vol.64, Issue 5).
  • Y. Zhou, P.-Y. Lagrée, S. Popinet, P. Ruyer, and P. Aussillous
    "Gas-assisted discharge flow of granular media from silos "
    Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 124305 - Published 18 December 2019
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.124305
  • F. De Vita, P.-Y. Lagrée, S. Chibbaro, S. Popinet
    "Beyond Shallow Water: appraisal of a numerical approach to hydraulic jumps based upon the Boundary Layer Theory."
    European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 79 (2020) 233-246
  • J. Ventre M.T. Politi J.M. Fernández A.R. Ghigo J. Gaudric S.A. Wray J.-B. Lagaert R. Armentano C. Capurro J.M. Fullana P.-Y. Lagrée,
    Parameter estimation to study the immediate impact of aortic cross-clamping using reduced order models.
    Int J Numer Meth Biomed Engng. 2019;e3261.
  • María Teresa Politi, Jeanne Ventre, Fernández Ghigo Gaudric Capurro (Fullana) P.-Y. Lagrée,
    "Effects of cross-clamping on vascular mechanics: comparing waveform analysis with a numerical model"
    Journal of Surgical Research, december 2019 (244) 587-598
  • Luke Fullard, Daniel J. Holland, Petrik Galvosas, Clive Davies, P.-Y. Lagrée, and Stéphane Popinet
    "Quantifying silo flow using MRI velocimetry for testing granular flow models"
    Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 074302,
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.074302
  • F. James, P.-Y. Lagrée M. H. Le, M. Legrand
    "Towards a new friction model for shallow water equations through an interactive viscous layer"
    ESAIM: M2AN 53 (2019) 269-299
  • Shinya Shimada, Ryo Tsurusaki, Fumiaki Iwase, Mami Matsukawa, and P.-Y. Lagrée
    "Experimental study on the pressure wave propagation in the artificial arterial tree in brain"
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57, 07LC06 (2018)
  • Arthur Ghigo, P.-Y. Lagrée, Jose-Maria Fullana;
    "A time-dependent non-Newtonian extension of a 1D blood flow model"
    Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 253 (2018) 36–49
  • Julien Philippi, Arnaud Antkowiak P.-Y. Lagrée
    "A pressure impulse theory for hemispherical liquid impact problems"
    European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 67 (2018) 417–426
  • Y. Zhou P.-Y. Lagrée S. Popinet, P. Ruyer and P. Aussillous
    "Experiments on, and discrete and continuum simulations of, the discharge of granular media from silos with a lateral orifice"
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics Volume 829 25 October 2017 , pp. 459-485
  • Arthur Ghigo; Jose-Maria Fullana; P.-Y. Lagrée
    "A 2D nonlinear multiring model for blood flow in large elastic arteries"
    Journal of Computational Physics Volume 350, 1 December 2017, Pages 136–165
  • P.-Y. Lagrée
    "Boundary layer separation and asymptotics from 1904 to 1969"
    C. R. Mecanique 345 (2017) 613-619
  • Arthur Ghigo; Olivier delestre; Jose-Maria Fullana; P.-Y. Lagrée
    "Low-Shapiro hydrostatic reconstruction technique for blood flow simulation in large arteries with varying geometrical and mechanical properties"
    Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 331, 15 February 2017, Pages 108-136
  • Ghigo, Arthur R. and Wang, Xiao-Fei and Armentano, Ricardo and Fullana, Jose-Maria and Lagrée, Pierre-Yves (2017)
    "Linear and Nonlinear Viscoelastic Arterial Wall Models: Application on Animals"
    DOI = 10.1115/1.4034832
  • Arthur Ghigo; Jose-Maria Fullana; Salam Abou Taam; Xiaofei Wang; P.-Y. Lagrée
    "A One-Dimensional Arterial Network Model for Bypass Graft Assessment"
    Medical Engineering and Physics, (2017)
    DOI 10.1016/j.medengphy.2017.02.002
  • Politi M T, Wray S A, Fernandez J M, Gaudric J, Ghigo A, P.-Y. Lagrée, Capurro C, Fullana JM, Armentano R
    "Impact of arterial cross-clamping during vascular surgery on arterial stiffness measured by the augmentation index and fractal dimension of arterial pressure"
    Health and Technology, (2016)
    DOI 10.1007/s12553-016-0141-7
  • G. Kirstetter J. Hu, O. Delestre, F. Darboux, P.-Y. Lagrée, S. Popinet, J.M. Fullana, C. Josserand
    " Modeling rain-driven overland flow: empirical versus analytical friction terms in the shallow water approximation"
    to appear in "Journal of Hydrology" (2016),
  • Roman Auvray ; Benoit Fabre, Felipe Meneses, Patricio de la Cuadra Pierre-Yves Lagrée.
    "Specific features of a stopped pipe blown by a turbulent jet: Aeroacoustics of the panpipes"
    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (Vol.139, No.6) 2016.
    DOI: 10.1121/1.4953066
  • Guillaume Saingier, Stephanie Deboeuf, and P.-Y. Lagrée
    "On the front shape of an inertial granular flow down a rough incline".
    Physics of Fluids, vol 28, 053302 1-15 (2016);
    doi: 10.1063/1.4948401
  • J. Philippi, P.-Y. Lagrée and A. Antkowiak
    "Drop impact on a solid surface : short time self-similarity"
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics / Volume 795 / May 2016, pp 96 - 135
  • Politi, María Teresa Ghigo, Arthur Fernández, Juan Manuel Khelifa, Ismail Gaudric, Julien Fullana, José María P.-Y. Lagrée
    "The dicrotic notch analyzed by a numerical model."
    May 1, 2016 Volume 72, Pages 54-64
    DOI: computers in biology andm edicine
  • 0. Delestre, A. Ghigo, J.-M. Fullana, P.-Y. Lagrée;
    "A shallow water with variable pressure model for blood flow simulation"
    Networks And Heterogeneous Media doi:10.3934/nhm.2016.11.69 American Institute of Mathematical Sciences Volume 11, Number 1, March 2016 pp. 69-87
  • Xiao-Fei Wang, Arthur Ghigo, Shohei Nishi; Mami Matsukawa; P.-Y. Lagrée; Jose-Maria Fullana
    "Fluid friction and wall viscosity of the 1D blood flow model: study with an in-vitro experimental setup"
    Journal of Biomechanics, 49 (2016) pp. 565-571
  • W. Arfaoui, M. Safi and P.-Y. Lagrée
    "Buoyancy-aided convection flow in a heated straight pipe: comparing different asymptotic models."
    Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung pp 1-13
    DOI :10.1007/s00231-015-1677-1.
  • R. Auvray, A. Ernoult, S. Terrien, B. Fabre, C. Vergez, and P.-Y. Lagrée
    "Effect of changing the vocal tract shape on the sound production of the recorder: an experimental and theoretical study." Acta Acoustica
    pp. 317-330(15)
  • X.-F. Wang, J.-M. Fullana, P.-Y. Lagrée
    "Verification and comparison of four numerical schemes for a 1D viscoelastic blood flow model"
    Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2015,
    doi: 10.1080/10255842.2014.948428
  • R. Auvray, A. Ernoult, B. Fabre, and P.-Y. Lagrée
    "Time-domain simulation of flute-like instruments: Comparison of jet-drive and discrete-vortex models"
    J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136, 389 (2014);
  • François Blanc; Vincent François; Patricio De la Cuadra; P.-Y. Lagrée and Benoît Fabre
    "Modeling the receptivity of an air jet to transverse acoustic disturbance, with application to musical instruments"
    J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135, 3221 (2014);
  • L. Staron, P.-Y. Lagrée, & S. Popinet (2014)
    "Continuum simulation of the discharge of the granular silo, A validation test for the μ(I) visco-plastic flow law"
    Eur. Phys. J. E (2014) 37: 5
    DOI 10.1140/epje/i2014-14005-6
  • S. Quignard, C. Hélary, M. Boissière, J.-M. Fullana, P.-Y. Lagrée & T. Coradin (2014)
    "Behaviour of silica nanoparticles in dermis-like cellularized collagen hydrogels"
    The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014;
    doi: 10.1039/c3bm60214a
  • Y. Ikenaga, S. Nishi, Y.Komagata, M. Saito, P.-Y. Lagrée, T. Asada, & M. Matsukawa (2013)
    "Experimental Study on the Pressure and Pulse Wave Propagation in Viscoelastic Vessel Tubes-Effects of Liquid Viscosity and Tube Stiffness"
    IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control Volume: 60 Issue: 11 Pages: 2381-8
    DOI: 10.1109/TUFFC.2013.6644741
  • L. Staron, P.-Y. Lagrée, P. Ray & S. Popinet (2013)
    "Scaling Laws for the Slumping of a Bingham Plastic Fluid"
    J. Rheol. 57, 1265 (2013);
    doi: 10.1122/1.4802052
  • R. Guillamet, N. Lagay, C. Mocuta, P.-Y. Lagrée, G. Carbone, J. Décobert (2013)
    "Micro-characterization and three dimensional modeling of very large waveguide arrays by selective area growth for photonic integrated circuits"
    Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 370, 1 May 2013, Pages 128-132, Available online 26 November 2012
  • L. Staron, P.-Y. Lagrée & S. Popinet (2012)
    "The granular silo as a continuum plastic flow: the hour-glass vs the clepsydra"
    Phys. Fluids 24, 103301 (2012);
    doi: 10.1063/1.4757390
  • O. Delestre P.-Y. Lagrée (2012):
    "A "well balanced" finite volume scheme for blood flow simulation"
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 00:1-33
    DOI: 10.1002/fld
  • Franz Chouly, P.-Y. Lagrée (2012):
    "Comparison of computations of asymptotic flow models in a constricted channel.",
    Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (2012), pp. 6061-6071
  • Roman Auvray, P.-Y. Lagrée et Benoît Fabre (2012):
    "Regime change and oscillation thresholds in recorder-like instruments.",
    J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131 (2), February 2012
  • Masashi Saito, Yuki Ikenaga, Mami Matsukawa, Yoshiaki Watanabe, Takaaki Asada, and P.-Y. Lagrée (2011):
    "One-dimensional Propagation Model of Pressure Wave in a Model of Human Arterial Network: Comparative Study of Theory and Experiments",
    Journal of Biomechanical Engineering DECEMBER2011,Vol.133 / 121005-1 9 pages
  • P.-Y. Lagrée L. Staron S. Popinet (2011):
    "The granular column collapse as a continuum: validity of a Navier-Stokes model with a μ(I)-rheology"
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, pp1-31 ,
  • Menudet J.-F., LIP6, L2E, IJLRA, INRIA, IRPHE, UTC, APHP, and Orange Labs (2011):
    ENDOCOM: Implantable wireless pressure sensor for the follow-up of abdominal aortic aneurysm stented.
    IRBM, 2011. 32(3): p. 163-168.
  • L. Staron, P.-Y. Lagrée, C. Josserand, and D. Lhuillier (2010)
    "Flow and jamming of a two-dimensional granular bed: Toward a nonlocal rheology? "
    Physics Of Fluids 22, 113303 (2010)
  • O. Devauchelle, L. Malverti, É. Lajeunesse, C. Josserand, P.-Y. Lagrée, & F. Métivier (2010)
    "Rhomboid Beach Pattern: a Benchmark for Shallow water Geomorphology"
    J. Geophys. Res., 115, F02017,
    doi:10.1029/2009JF001471, 2010
  • O. Devauchelle, L. Malverti, É. Lajeunesse, P.-Y. Lagrée, C. Josserand, & K.-D. Nguyen Thu-Lam (2010)
    "Stability of bedforms in laminar flows with free-surface: from bars to ripples", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol 642 p 329-348
  • F. Chouly, A. Van Hirtum, and P.-Y. Lagrée, X. Pelorson and Y. Payan, (2009):
    "Modelling the human pharyngeal airway: validation of numerical simulations using in vitro experiments"
    Med Biol Eng Comput
    DOI 10.1007/s11517-008-0412-1
  • O. Devauchelle, C. Josserand, P.-Y. Lagrée and S. Zaleski (2008):
    "Mobile Bank Conditions for Laminar Micro-Rivers"
    C. R. Geoscience (2008), doi:10.1016/j.crte.2008.07.010
    Volume 340, Issue 11, November 2008, Pages 732-740
  • N. Dupuis, J. Décobert, P.-Y. Lagrée, N. Lagay, D. Carpentier, F. Alexandre (2008):
    "Demonstration of planar thick InP layers by selective MOVPE".
    Journal of Crystal Growth
    issue 23, 15 November 2008, Pages 4795-4798
  • N. Dupuis, J. Décobert, P.-Y. Lagrée , N. Lagay, C. Cuisin, F. Poingt, C. Kazmierski, A. Ramdane, A. Ougazzaden (2008):
    "Mask pattern interference in AlGaInAs MOVPE Selective Area Growth : experimental and modeling analysis".
    Journal of Applied Physics 103, 113113 (2008)
  • F. Chouly, A. Van Hirtum, X. Pelorson, Y. Payan, and P.-Y. Lagrée (2008):
    "Numerical and experimental study of expiratory flow in the case of major upper airway obstructions with fluid-structure interaction"
    Journal of Fluids and Structures 24 (2008) pp. 250 -269
  • F. Bouchut, E.D. Fernández-Nieto, A. Mangeney & P.-Y. Lagrée (2008):
    "On new erosion models of Savage-Hutter type for avalanches ".
    Acta Mecanica, 10.1007/s00707-007-0534-9 Vol 199 Issue: 1-4 pp 181-208
  • O. Devauchelle, C. Josserand, P.-Y. Lagrée, and S. Zaleski (2007):
    "Morphodynamic modeling of erodible laminar channels"
    Phys. Rev. E 76, 056318
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2007):
    "Interactive Boundary Layer in a Hele Shaw cell".
    Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 87, No. 7, pp. 486-498
  • J. Décobert, N. Dupuis, P.-Y. Lagrée, N. Lagay, A. Ramdane, A. Ougazzaden, F. Poingt, C. Cuisin, C. Kazmierski (2007):
    "Modeling and characterization of AlGaInAs and related materials using selective area growth by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy."
    Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 298, January 2007, Pages 28-31
  • P.-Y. Lagrée, A. Van Hirtum & X. Pelorson (2007):
    "Asymmetrical effects in a 2D stenosis".
    European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, Volume 26, Issue 1, January-February 2007, Pages 83-92
  • P.-Y. Lagrée & D. Lhuillier (2006):
    "On steady avalanches of dense granular media" Uzbek J. of Phys. Vol 8, N 4-5, pp. 201-207
  • P.-Y. Lagrée & D. Lhuillier (2006):
    "The Couette flow of dense and fluid-saturated granular media".
    European Journal of Mechanics B/ Fluids. 25 pp. 960-970
  • K.K.J. Kouakou & P.-Y. Lagrée (2006):
    "Evolution of a model dune in a shear flow".
    European Journal of Mechanics B/ Fluids Vol 25 (2006) pp 348-359.
  • C. Josserand, P.-Y. Lagrée, D. Lhuillier (2006):
    " Granular pressure and the thickness of a layer jamming on a rough incline"
    Europhys. Lett., 73 (3), pp. 363–369 (2006)
  • K.K.J. Kouakou & P.-Y. Lagrée (2005):
    "Stability of an erodible bed in various shear flow".
    European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter, Volume 47, Issue 1, Sep 2005, Pages 115 - 125
  • P.-Y. Lagrée & S. Lorthois (2005):
    "The RNS/Prandtl equations and their link with other asymptotic descriptions. Application to the computation of the maximum value of the Wall Shear Stress in a pipe",
    Int. J. Eng Sci., Vol 43/3-4 pp 352-378.
  • A. Van Hirtum, X. Pelorson & P.-Y. Lagrée (2005):
    "In-vitro validation of some flow assumptions for the prediction of the pressure distribution during obstructive sleep apnea",
    Medical & biological engineering & computing, no 43(1) pp. 162-171.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée, E. Berger, M. Deverge, C. Vilain & A. Hirschberg (2005):
    "Characterization of the pressure drop in a 2D symmetrical pipe: some asymptotical, numerical and experimental comparisons",
    ZAMM: Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 85, No. 2, pp. 141-146.
  • C. Josserand, P.-Y. Lagrée, D. Lhuillier (2004):
    "Stationary shear flows of dense granular materials : a tentative continuum modelling",
    Eur. Phys. J. E. vol 14, pp. 127-135.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée & A. Ivan-Fernolendt (2004):
    "Direct comparison of simplified models of surface reacting flows in flow chambers",
    Eur. Phys. J./AP vol 26, pp 133- 143.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée, K.K.J. Kouakou & E. Danho (2003):
    "Effet dispersif de la loi d'Exner menant à l'équation de Benjamin-Ono: formation de rides sur un sol meuble",
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, vol 331/3 pp 231 - 235
  • M. Deverge, X. Pelorson, C. Vilain, P.-Y. Lagrée, F. Chentouf, J. Willems & A. Hirschberg (2003):
    "Influence of the collision on the flow through in-vitro rigid models of the vocal folds".
    J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 114 , pp. 3354 - 3362.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2003):
    ''A Triple Deck model of ripple formation and evolution'',
    Physics of Fluids, Vol 15 n 8, pp. 2355-2368.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2001):
    ''Removing the marching breakdown of the boundary layer equations for mixed convection above a horizontal plate'',
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 44/17, pp. 3359-3372.
  • Lagrée P.-Y. (2000):
    '' Erosion and sedimentation of a bump in fluvial flow'',
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t328, Série II b, p869-874, 2000
  • S. Lorthois, P.-Y. Lagrée, J.-P. Marc-Vergnes & F. Cassot. (2000):
    "Maximal wall shear stress in arterial stenoses: Application to the internal carotid arteries",
    Journal of Biomechanical Egineering, Volume 122, Issue 6, pp. 661-666.
  • Lorthois S. & Lagrée P.-Y. (2000):
    ''Écoulement dans un convergent axisymétrique: calcul de la contrainte de cisaillement pariétal maximale/
    Flow in a axisymmetric convergent: evaluation of maximum wall shear stress'',
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t328, Série II b, p33-40, 2000
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2000):
    ''An inverse technique to deduce the elasticity of a large artery '',
    European Physical Journal, Applied Physics 9, pp. 153-163
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1999):
    ''Thermal mixed convection induced locally by a step in surface temperature in a Poiseuille Flow in the framework of Triple Deck'',
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 42, pp. 2509-2524.
  • Lagrée P-Y and Rossi M. (1996):
    ''Etude de l'écoulement du sang dans les artères: effets nonlinéaires et dissipatifs'',
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t322, Série II b, p401- 408, 1996.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1994):
  • "Mixed convection at small Richardson Number on Triple deck scales"
    ''Convection thermique mixte à faible nombre de Richardson dans le cadre de la triple couche'',
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 318, Série II, pp. 1167- 1173, 1994.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1991):
    "Influence de la couche d'entropie sur la longueur de séparation en aérodynamique hypersonique, dans le cadre de la triple couche II",
    C.R. Acad Sci Paris, t 313, Série II, p. 999-1004, 1991.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1990):
    "Influence de la couche d'entropie sur l'échelle de la région séparée en aérodynamique hypersonique",
    C.R. Acad Sci Paris, t 311, Série II, p. 1129- 1134, 1990.

    6 Chapitres de Livre

  • Pierre Brigode, François Bourgin , Rabab Yassine, Olivier Delestre P.-Y. Lagrée
    Are hydrologic-hydraulic coupling approaches able to reproduce Alex flash-flood dynamics and impacts on southeastern French headwaters?
    Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, 2022, Springer Water, ⟨hal-03781275⟩
    DOI : 10.1007/978-981-19-1600-7_27
  • Amama, Z., Branco, N., Mangara, C., ...Delestre, O., Lagrée, P.-Y. Lagrée P.-Y.
    "Modelling Culverts in Basilisk"
    Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer, 2022, Springer Water 2022, pp. 121-137 Springer Water,
  • J. Ventre, Jose-Maria Fullana, Lagrée P.-Y. Francesca Raimondi, Nathalie Boddaert
    Modèles d’ordre réduit du flux sanguin : application aux sténoses artérielles"
    Deplano V, Verdier C Fullana, J-M, editeurs, (2022) "Biological Flow in Large Vessels". ISTE Science Publishing Ltd, London
  • J. Ventre, Jose-Maria Fullana, Lagrée P.-Y. Francesca Raimondi, Nathalie Boddaert
    Reduced-order models of blood flow: application to arterial stenoses
    Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-43195-2_1EID: 2-s2.0-85084006073
  • Lagrée P.-Y. 2010
    Interactive Boundary Layers
    In: Asymptotic Methods in Fluid Mechanics: Survey and Recent Advances,
    CISM Courses and Lectures, vol. 523", H. Steinr&um;ck (ed.); Springer-Verlag, Wien New York, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-7091-0407-1, pp. 247-286
  • Van Hirtum A., Chouly F., Lagrée P.-Y., Paoli J.R., Payan Y., Pelorson X., 2007.
    When a fluid-structure interaction keeps you awake: a physical approach to Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
    In: Progress in Sleep Apnea Research. Edited by R. Ferber, Nova Science Publishers, New York, Chapitre 2, pp.41-76


    67 Congrès avec actes, chapitre de livre  

  • Anais Abramian, L. Staron, P-Y Lagrée,
    "The Cohesive Granular Collapse as a Continuum : Parametrization Study."
    14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), Jan 2021, Virtual, France (10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.341⟩. ⟨hal-03379032⟩
  • Staron, Anais Abramian, Pierre-Yves Lagrrée,
    Capturing the failure of a cohesive granular step.
    Powders & Grains 2021 ? 9th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media, AEMMG Association, Jul 2021, Virtual (Buenos Aires), Argentina. pp.08006,
  • Brigode, P., Bourgin, F., Yassine, R., Delestre, O., P.-Y. Lagrée

    Are Hydrologic-Hydraulic Coupling Approaches Able to Reproduce Alex Flash-Flood Dynamics and Impacts on Southeastern French Headwaters?
    Springer Water 2022, pp. 419–436
    Book Chapter
  • Amama, Z., Branco, N., Mangara, C., ...Delestre, O., Lagrée, P.-Y.
    "Modelling Culverts in Basilisk"
    Springer Waterthis link is disabled, 2022, pp. 121-137
    Book Chapter
  • Samuel Irvine, Luke Fullard, Tammy Lynch, Daniel Holland, Daniel Clarke, and P.-Y. Lagrée
    Modelling the flow rate dip for a silo with two openings
  • S. Deboeuf, G. Saingier, N. Thiruvalluvar, P.-Y. LagréeS. Popinet, L. Staron
    "Stopping dynamics of a steady uniform granular flow over a rough incline"
    EPJ Web of Conferences 140, 03073 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714003073 Powders & Grains 2017
  • P.-Y. Lagrée G. Saingier, S. Deboeuf , L. Staron, S. Popinet, and
    "Granular front for flow down a rough incline, experiments and continuous models"
    EPJ Web of Conferences 140, 03046 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714003046 Powders & Grains 2017
  • Guilherme Salvador-Vieira, Lydie Staron, Stéphane Popinet, Stéphanie Deboeuf, and P.-Y. Lagrée
    "Modeling flow arrest using a non-local rheology?"
    EPJ Web of Conferences 140, 03045 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714003045 Powders & Grains 2017
  • Pascale Aussillous, Yixian Zhou, Pierre Ruyer, and Pierre-Yves Lagrée
    "Discharge flow of granular media from silos with a lateral orifice and injection of air"
    EPJ Web of Conferences 140, 03052 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714003052 Powders & Grains 2017
  • Luke Fullard, Eric Breard, Clive Davies, Pierre-Yves Lagrée, Stéphane Popinet, and Gert Lube
    "Testing the μ(I) granular rheology against experimental silo data"
    EPJ Web of Conferences 140, 11002 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201714011002 Powders & Grains 2017
  • Hani ALI, Pierre-Yves LAGRÉE, and José-Maria FULLANA.
    "Application of the shallow water equations to real flooding case".
    ECCOMAS Congress , Proceedings of the 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering volume 1, p 735-749, 2016.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée
    "Paul Germain (1920-2009)and Fluid Mechanics 1945-1970"
    colloque "A century of Fluid Mechanics : 1870-1970" (Toulouse, 19-21 octobre 2016).
  • P.-Y. Lagrée
    "Boundary Layer Separation and Asymptotics from 1904 to 1969"
    colloque "A century of Fluid Mechanics : 1870-1970" (Toulouse, 19-21 octobre 2016).
  • Yixian Zhou,Pierre-Yves Lagrée, Stéphane Popinet , Pierre Ruyer, and Pascale Aussillous
    "Discharge flow of granular media from silos with lateral orifice : experiments, discrete, and continuous simulations"
    ICTAM 2016, Montréal, Canada, August 21-26, 2016.
  • Decobert, J., Binet, G., Maia, A.D.B., Lagrée, P.-Y., Kazmierski, C.
    "AlGaInAs MOVPE selective area growth for photonic integrated circuits"
    Advanced Optical Technologies
  • Ghigo, A. R.; AbouTaam, S.; Wang, X.; Lagrée, P.-Y. Fullana, J. -M.)
    "Numerical simulations of a bypass repair of an iliac artery obliteration"
    computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering Volume: 18 Special Issue: SI Supplement: 1 Pages: 1944-1945 Published: OCT 9 2015
  • S. Nishi , S. Ono, M. Matsukawa, Lagrée, P.-Y. (2015):
    "Experimental study of pressure propagation in mildly-narrowed viscoelastic tubes "
    IEICE Tech Rep US2014-84(2015-1)
  • Coullon, H. , Fullana, J.-M., Lagrée, P.-Y., Limet, S., Wang, X. (2014):
    "Blood flow arterial network simulation with the implicit parallelism library SkelGIS"
    Procedia Computer Science, volume 29, issue , year 2014, pp. 102-112
  • Décobert, J., Lagrée, P.-Y., Guerault, H., Kazmierski, C. (2013):
    "AlGaInAs selective area growth for high-speed EAM-based PIC 2 sources"
    Conference Proceedings International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials
  • J. Philippi, A. Antkowiak, P-Y. Lagrée (2013):
    "Un modèle simplifié pour le problème de l'impact de goutte"
    21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Bordeaux, 26 au 30 aout 2013
  • L. Staron, P.-Y. Lagrée and S. Popinet
    "Discharge of a granular silo as a visco-plastic flow",
    Powders and Grains 2013, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2013
  • X.-F. Wang, J.-M. Fullana, Lagrée P.Y. and R.L. Armentano (2013):
    "Effect of viscoelasticity of arterial wall on pulse wave: a comparative study on ovine."
    Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Ingeniering Volume 16, Supplement 1, July 2013, pages 25-26
  • Meneses, F., Auvray, R., De La Cuadra, P., Lagrée, P.-Y., Fabre, B. 2013
    "Aeroacoustics of the panpipes"
    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics
  • F. Meneses, R. Auvray, P. de la Cuadra, B. Fabre, P.-Y. Lagrée (2013):
    "Aeroacoustics of the panpipes"
    Actes de ICA, Montréal, Canada
  • X. Wang, O. Delestre, J-M Fullana, M. Saito, Y. Ikenaga, M. Matsukawa and Lagrée P.Y., (2012):
    " Comparing different numerical methods for solving arterial 1D flows in networks."
    Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Ingeniering vol 15 No S1 sept 12 61-62
    (congrès SB 2012 - Toulouse - 16 - 19 octobre 2012)
  • Guillamet, R. , Lagay, N., Mocuta, C., Carbone, G., Lagrée, P.-Y., Décobert, J.(2011):
    "Analysis and optimization by micro-beam X-ray diffraction of Al- GaInAs heterostructures obtained by Selective Area Growth for optoelectronic applications "
    (2011) Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials
  • Saito, M., Ikenaga, Y., Matsukawa, M., Asada, T., Lagrée, P.-Y. (2011)
    "1D model for propagation of pulse wave in an arterial network: Comparative study of theory and experiment" 2011 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium,
  • Romain, O., Mazeyrat, J., Garda, P., Lagrée, P.-Y., Legallais, C., Leprince, P. (2011)
    "RFID implantable pressure sensor for the follow-up of abdominal aortic aneurysm stented"
    6th International 0 Conference on Design and Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, DTIS'11
  • Delestre O. , Lagrée PY (2011):
    "A well balanced finite volume schemefor 1D hemodynamic simulations "
    March 2012, Vol. 35, p. 222-227
  • Roman Auvray, Benoît Fabre, Pierre-Yves Lagrée (2011):
    "On the Influence of the Q Factor on the Oscillating Frequency of Flue Organ Pipes"
    Forum Acousticum Aalborg Denmark
  • Josserand C, Lagrée PY, Lhuillier D, Popinet S. Ray P. L. Staron (2009):
    "The spreading of a granular column from a Bingham point of view "
    Powders and Grains. Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 1145 Pages: 631-634
  • P.-Y. Lagrée O. Devauchelle, K.-D. Nguyen Thu-Lam, C. Josserand, É. Lajeunesse, L. Malverti, F. Métivier, and S. Zaleski (2009):
    "Erosion structures in laminar flumes"
    Powders and Grains Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 1145 Pages: 963-966 .
  • J. Mazeyrat, Romain O., Lautru D., Wong M.F., Berthier B., Lagrée P.-Y., Gerbeau J.-F., Deplano V., Leprince P., and Bonneau M., (2007):
    ENDOCOM: A wireless endoprosthesis dedicated to the follow-up of abdominal aortic aneurysms (Meeting Abstract). International Journal of Artificial Organs, 2009. 32(7): p. 411-411.
  • Blanc, F.; Lagrée, P.-Y.; De La Cuadra, P.; Fabre, B.; :
    "Influence of the geometrical parameters in flue instruments on the vorticity modulation near the separation points of the jet"
  • J. Décobert, N. Dupuis and P.-Y. Lagrée (2009):
    "Selective Area Growth for Photonic Integrated Circuit"
    EW MOPVE proceedings, 7-10 june 2009, Ulm, Germany Ulm.
  • O. Devauchelle, É. Lajeunesse, F. Métivier, L. Malverti, C. Josserand, P.-Y. Lagrée and S. Zaleski (2008):
    " Erosion shock wave in laminar flumes, MARID 2008 Workshop.
  • J. Décobert, N. Dupuis and P.-Y. Lagrée Lagay N. (2008)
    "240 nm wide wavelength range of AlGaInAs MQWs selectively grown by MOVPE " 20th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, MAY 25-29, 2008 Versailles, FRANCE
    Book 2008 IEEE 20TH Int Conf on Indium Phosphide and related materials (IPRM) pp 271-274

  • N. Dupuis J. Décobert, and P.-Y. Lagrée, Lagay N., Carpentier D., Alexandre F.
    "Demonstration of planar thick InP layers by selective MOVPE "
    14th International Conference on Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, JUN 01-06, 2008 Metz, FRANCE JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Volume: 310 Issue: 23 Pages: 4795-4798 NOV 15 2008

  • J. Mazeyrat, O. Romain, P. Garda, P.-Y. Lagrée, M. Destrade, M. Karouia, P. Leprince (2007):
    "ENDOCOM : Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm test bench for in vitro simulation"
    Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Cité Internationale, Lyon, France August 23-26, 2007. FrP1C4.8
  • Blanc F., Lagrée P.-Y., Fabre B. and Almeida A. (2007):
    "Influence of the geometry of the channel exit on the jet birth in flue instruments"
    International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, Barcelone
  • J. Mazeyrat, O. Romain, P. Garda, P.-Y. Lagrée, M. Destrade, E. Flecher, M. Karouia, P. Leprince (2006):
    "Wireless Communicative stent for follow-up of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm"
    IEEE Biocas 2006, 9th November - 1st December 2006, The British Library, London.
  • Franz Chouly, Annemie Van Hirtum, P.-Y. Lagrée, Jean-Roch Paoli, Xavier Pelorson, and Yohan Payan (2006):
    "Simulation of the Retroglossal Fluid-Structure Interaction During Obstructive Sleep Apnea",
    3rd International Symposium on Biomedical Simulation, Zurich, July 10-11, 2006
  • N. Dupuis ,J. Décobert, P.-Y. Lagrée, N. Lagay, F. A. Ramdane, Poingt, C. Cuisin, C. Kazmierski (2006):
    "AlGaInAs selective area growth by LP-MOVPE: Experimental 14 characterisation and predictive modelling",
    2006 IEE Proceedings: Optoelectronics
  • J. Décobert, N. Dupuis, P.-Y. Lagrée, N. Lagay, F. A. Ramdane, Poingt, C. Cuisin, C. Kazmierski (2006):
    "Modelling and characterization of AlGaInAs and related materials using Selective Area Growth by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy",
    ICMOVPE - XIII, 22-26 mai, Miyazaki Japan,
  • N Dupuis, J Décobert, P.-Y. Lagrée, N. Lagay, A. Ramdane, F. Poingt, C. Cuisin and C. Kazmierski (2006):
    " Simulation and Characterization of AlGaInAs layers selectively grown by LP-MOVPE"
    SIOE '06, Semiconductore and integrated optoelectronics, Cardiff 10-12 April 2006.
  • Chouly F., Van Hirtum A., Lagrée P.Y., Paoli J.R., Pelorson X. & Payan Y. (2006):
    " Simulation of the Retroglossal Fluid-Structure Interaction During Obstructive Sleep Apnea."
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 4072, pp. 48-57.

  • Josserand, Christophe; Lagrée P.Y., Lhuillier, Daniel (2005):
    "Couette flow of dry granular materials."
    Trends in applications of mathematics to mechanics, 157-164, Ber. Math., Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2005. 76T25 (74E20).

  • C. Josserand, P.-Y. Lagrée & Daniel Lhuillier (2005):
    "Un nouveau modèle pour les milieux granulaires denses en écoulement",
    Congrès Français de Mécanique, Troyes 09/2005.
  • J. Décobert P.Y. Lagrée, N. Lagay, N. Dupuis, F. Poingt, C. Cuisin, C. Kazmierski (2005):
    MOVPE Selective Area Growth applied to the integration of a AlGaInAs based Electroabsorption Modulator with a spot-size converter.
    11th European Workshop on Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (EW-MOVPE XI), F10, p 313. Lausanne, Switzerland, 5-8th June 2005.
  • C. Josserand, P.-Y. Lagrée & Daniel Lhuillier (2004):
    "Couette flow of dry granular materials",
    Darmstadt STAMM 08/2004.
  • F. Chouly, A.Van Hirtum, P.-Y. Lagrée, X.Pelorson, Y.Payan (2004): "Physical and Numerical Model for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome."
    "Computer Methods in Biomechanics and in Biomedical Engineering" 25/28 feb 2004 Madrid Espagne
  • P.-Y. Lagrée & A. Van Hirtum (2004):
    "Asymmetrical effects in a 2D flow, application to Pharyngeal fluid flow in obstructive sleep apnea channel",
    Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, vol 112, 09/2004 p 119.
    Créteil pres. pdf

  • P.-Y. Lagrée & A. Ivan-Fernolendt (2004):
    "the chemistry in a flow cell",
    Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, vol 112, 09/2004 p 81.
    Créteil pres. pdf

  • K.K.J. Kouakou, H. Caps & P.-Y. Lagrée (2003):
    " Comparaisons numériques, analytiques et asymptotiques pour l'écoulement sur une dune sous marine.'',
    Congrès Français de Mécanique; Nice 01-05 sept. 2003
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2002):
    'Equations de Navier Stokes Réduites pour les écoulements biomécaniques, échelles caractéristiques et conditions aux limites'',
    Conférence sur la modélisation et la simulation pour la médecine et la chirurgie assistées par ordinateur, MS4CMS'02, INRIA Rocquencourt, 12-15 nov 2002.
    Transparents en pdf

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2001):
    ''Effets d'entrée dans les panaches plans'',
    Congrès français de Thermique, SFT 2001, Nantes, 29-31 mai 2001, 5 pages

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2001):
    ''Disparition de la singularité de convection thermique mixte sur une plaque horizontale refroidie'',
    Congrès français de Thermique, SFT 2001, Nantes, 29-31 mai 2001, 5 pages.

  • de Bruin, P.-Y. Lagrée, Lorthois S, Vilain C, Veldman AEP (2001):
    "Comparison of Navier Stokes and Reduced Navier Stokes unsteady computation in a stenosis",
    Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry V109, 09/2001 p79
    Marseille Poster en pdf

  • P.-Y. Lagrée & K. Goorman, (2001):
    "The flow in the glottis: self oscillation of a 2D elastic stenosis",
    Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry V109, 09/2001 p 80.
    Marseille Poster en pdf

  • P.-Y. Lagrée & Sylvie Lorthois (2000):
    ''Reduced Navier Stokes in axisymetrical stenoses''.
    4th EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC2000),
    Eindhoven 19-23 November 2000, p 128.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2000):
    ''Erosion and sedimentation of a bump in fluvial flow''.
    4th EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC2000),
    Eindhoven 19-23 November 2000, p 238.

  • K. Goorman, P.-Y. Lagrée, C. Ségoufin & B. Fabre (2000):
    ''Inviscid stability of a jet, application to sound production in a recorder''.
    4th EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC2000),
    Eindhoven 19-23 November 2000, p 277.

  • C. Ségoufin, B. Fabre, P.-Y. Lagrée, K. Goorman & J. van den Tillart (2000):
    "Estimation de profils de vitesses".
    congrès SFA Lausanne, septembre 2000, 4 pages

  • S. Lorthois, F. Cassot, J.P. Marc-Vergnes & P.-Y. Lagrée(2000):
    "Maximal wall shear stress in carotid stenoses and functionality of the circle of Willis",
    ICTAM 2000, Chicago, 2 pages

  • S. Lorthois, P.-Y. Lagrée, J.-P. Marc-Vergnes & F. Cassot (1999):
    "Contrainte de cisaillement pariétale maximale dans une sténose artérielle'',
    Congrès Français de Mécanique; Toulouse 30/08 - 03/09 99
  • P.-Y. Lagrée & S. Lorthois (1999):
    ''Interacting Boundary layer flow in a stenosis'',
     Congrès de biomécanique de Beaune 15-17 sept 98
    dans Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry Vol 107   sept 99, p 51.
    Actes du congrès de Beaune

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1998):
    ''Écoulement dans un anévrisme: comparaison de différentes méthodes de type couche limite'',
     Congrès de biomécanique de Lyon 17-18 sept 98
     dans Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry Vol 106 supp B, septemb 98, p 42.
    Actes du congrès de Lyon
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1998):
    ''Modélisation de l'écoulement sanguin: mise en oeuvre d'une méthode inverse non invasive pour déterminer la viscosité et la compliance'',
    Congrès de biomécanique de Lyon 17-18 sept 98
    dans Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry Vol 106 supp B, septemb 98, p 110. Actes du congrès de Lyon
  • P.-Y. Lagrée & Rossi M. (1996):
    "Modélisation de l'écoulement sanguin et son utilisation dans le cadre d'une méthode inverse, aspects théoriques",
    dans Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry Vol 103 Numb 3 July 95, p 68. Actes du congrès de Lausanne.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1994):
    ''Upstream influence in mixed convection at small Richardson Number on triple, double and single deck scales'',
    symp.: Asymptotic Modelling in Fluid Mechanics, Bois, Dériat, Gatignol & Rigolot (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, pp. 229-238.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1992):
    ''Influence of the entropy layer on viscous triple deck hypersonic scales'',
    IUTAM symposium Marseille France Sept 1-4, Aerothermochemestry of spacecraft and associated hypersonic flows, pp. 358- 361.

  • 63 Congrès sans actes, Workshops...  

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (02/12/24):
    "Asymptotic Expansions in Fluid Mechanics: example of Matched Asymptotic Expansions, some classical results and application to boundary layer separation"
    2-3 December 2024 "Asymptotic Expansions in Physics" IHPST, Paris abstract

  • L. Julien, J. Ventre, P-Y Lagrée, A. Ramkhelawon, F. Rossant, M. Atlan, M. Paques and J-M Fullana Retinal micro-vascular network : data and model

  • journée thématique a Cergy le lundi 21 juin 2021 sur la couche limite. Exposé
  • J. Ventre, M. T. Politi, J. M. Fernandez, P. Spaletra, M. Abud, M. L. Suarez, R. Ronderos, M. Diez, C. Capurro, J. M. Fullana, P.-Y. Lagrée.
    One-dimensional model of the pulmonary vascular network to study pulmonary hypertension.
    Virtual Human Physiology, Paris, 2020.

  • J. Ventre, M. T. Politi, J. M. Fernandez, P. Spaletra, M. Abud, M. L. Suarez, R. Ron- deros, M. Diez, C. Capurro, J. M. Fullana, P.-Y. Lagrée.
    World Congress in Computational Mechanics - Eccomas, Paris, 2020.
    One-dimensional model of the pulmonary vascular network to study pulmonary hypertension.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (24/10/19)
    "Granular as a continuum" graphyz 2019

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (21/04/19)
    "Drop impact on a solid surface: a self-similar problem at short time" 3rd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow (ISCM2019) Shanghai

  • J. Ventre, M. T. Politi, J. M. Fernández, A. Ghigo, S. Wray, J. Gaudric, I. Khelifa, R. Armentano, P.-Y. Lagrée, C. Capurro, J. M. Fullana.
    Aortic clamping analyzed by numerical models.
    Journée Annuelles du GDR Mecabio, Montpellier, 2018.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (04/05/2018)
    "Standing hydraulic jumps: focus on viscous effects, and multilayer numerical resolution. Estimation of closure coefficients for laminar Shallow Water models" Sillages et ondes de Surface 3, Paris IPGP

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (16/11/2017)
    "Bingham and granular fluids with Gerris and Basilisk" Basilisk Gerris User Meeting Princeton

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (17/03/2016)
    "granular flows from a continuum point of view, examples of µ(I) rheology with a Navier Stokes solver: Gerris "
    Journée sur les fluides non newtoniens, IMFT Toulouse

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (11/11/2016)
    "Drop impact on a solid surface: short time self-similarity"
    From coalescence to splahing, Londres

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (12/12/2015)
    "Volume of Fluids numerical simulations of granular flows in the μ(I)-rheology framework",
    UTAM - IUTAM Symposium on Multi-phase Modeling Continuum Modeling of Particulate Flows Dec. 9-11, 2015, Gainesville FL

  • X. Wang, P.-Y. Lagrée, J. Fullana, S. Lorthois
    "One dimensional modeling of blood flow in large networks",
    APS DFD San Franciso 23-25 /11/14

  • Julien Philippi, Pierre-Yves Lagrée and Arnaud Antkowiak
    "Drop impact on solid surface : short time self- similarity"
    APS DFD San Franciso 23-25 /11/14

  • P.-Y. Lagrée granular and complex flows with Gerris and Basilisk
    Workshop Gerris
    Séville 27/oct/14

  • P.-Y. Lagrée Staron, S. Deboeuf, J. Frelat and S. Popinet
    Granular flows as a continuum flow: examples of computations.
    MGMAS 2014 Montpellier 9-11 07/14

  • P.-Y. Lagrée
    Interactive boundary Layer
    mathematical hydrodynamics
    ENS Paris, June 16-20, 2014

  • Pierre-Yves Lagrée (09/09/2013)
    "Modeling Granular flows in the framework of mu(I) rheology (examples in avalanche flows, column collapse, flow in hoppers) "
    Workshop, "Physical, numerical and analytical approaches to capture the collapse mechanisms observed in geomechanics and geology" Laboratoire de Géologie, ENS, Paris,

  • P.-Y. Lagrée Xiaofei Wang, Jose-Maria Fullana, Olivier Delestre Masahi Saito, Yuki Ikenaga \& Mami Matsukawa Ricardo Armentano
    1D model Flows in Arterial Networks
    Fluid and Elasticity
    Fluid & Elasticity 2012. La Jolla, CA, USA 14-16 Nov 2012

  • P.-Y. Lagrée R. Yapalparvi
    Triple deck solutions for supersonic flow past obstacles comparisons with Interactive Boundary Layer, APS
    APS DFD 2012 65th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD), San Diego, California, November 18th to 20th

  • P.-Y. Lagrée Grabsch Aurélien Staron L., Popinet S.
    The hour-glass: comparisons of discrete granular flow and continuum plastic flow.
    APS DFD 2012 65th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD), San Diego, California, November 18th to 20th

  • P.-Y. Lagrée, Staron L., Popinet S.,
    μ(I)-rheology for granular flows with Gerris applications for column collapse and hour glass Flows,
    European Fluid Mechanics Conference 9 9-13 September 2012 University of Rome "Tor Vergata"

  • Staron L. (invit.), P.-Y. Lagrée, Popinet S.,
    Continuum Modeling of Granular Flows,
    Dust and Grains in Space and Low Gravity Environment, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 2-4 April 2012

  • Staron L. , P.-Y. Lagrée , Popinet S.,
    Continuum modelling of granular flows,
    DPS-EPSC Joint Meeting, Nantes, France, 3-7 Octobre 2011.

  • Staron L. , P.-Y. Lagrée , Popinet S.,
    Continuum modelling of the collapse of a granular mass and its subsequent flow,
    AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 5-9 Decembre 2011.

  • Staron L. , P.-Y. Lagrée ,, Popinet S.,
    Continuum modelling of the granular column collapse experiment,
    EGU General Assembly, Vienna, A ustria, 3-8 April 2011

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (/11):
    "μ(I) rheology for granular flows with Gerris applications for avalanches and column collapse "
    NumHyp Roscoff septembre 2011, Invitée

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (05/07/11):
    "μ(I) rheology for granular flows with Gerris applications for avalanches and column collapse "
    First Gerris Meeting, Paris 4-7 juillet 2011

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (21-24/06/11):
    "Modèles d'érosion"
    Worshop ANR methode, Orléans

  • Lydie Staron, P.-Y. Lagrée, and Stéphane Popinet(10/11):
    Continuum modelling of the granular column collapse experiment,
    Geophys. Res. Abstract Vol. 13, EGU2011-3451, 2011
  • P.-Y. Lagrée, L. Staron S. Popinet (2010):
    "Testing the continuum μ(I) rheology for 2D granular flows on avalanches and collapse of columns.",
    meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society APS 21-23 nov 2010 Los Angeles Long Beach.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (01/04/10):
    "Flow over an erodible bed, limits of the Saint Venant approach."
    Workshop Numbig, Grenoble 01/04/10.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (31/03/10):
    "from Classical Boundary Layer to Interacting Boundary Layer Application to stenosed flows."
    Workshop Numbig, Grenoble 31/03/10.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (25/03/10):
    "Flow over an erodible bed, limits of the Saint Venant approach."
    Séminaire laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann 25/03/10.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (01/02/10):
    "Ecoulement sur fond érodable: rides dunes barres."
    Workshop Mathematics and Oceanography, Montpellier 01/02/10.

  • Staron L. , P.-Y. Lagrée, C. Josserand, D. Lhuillier,
    Evolution of a granular flow towards jamming and arrest, Southern Worshop on Granular Material, Vina del Mar, Chile, 30 Nov. to 4 Dec. 2009

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (11/12/08):
    "Chevrons & Rides dans les écoulements à fond érodable"
    Workshop ANR Grain de Sable, LAMFA, Amiens.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (04/12/08):
    "Rides & Chevrons dans les écoulements à fond érodable"
    Workshop ANR PIGE, Marseille

  • O. Devauchelle, L. Malverti, E Lajeunesse, C. Josserand P.-Y. Lagrée, F. Métivier (2008) :
    "I: Rhomboid Beach Pattern: an Analogy With River Bedforms",
    Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract "H53C-1078" 2008.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée, O. Devauchelle, C. Josserand, K.K.J. Kouakou (2008) :
    "Erosion of erodable beds under a water flow: ripples, dunes and alternate bars.",
    Rio de Janeiro, 24-28 March 2008.
  • O. Devauchelle C. Josserrand, P.-Y. Lagrée, E Lajeunesse, L. Malverti, K.D. Nguyen Thu-Lam, & S. Zaleski (2007):
    "Erosion patterns formed by laminar flows",
    meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society APS .
  • O. Devauchelle C. Josserrand, P.-Y. Lagrée S. Zaleski (2007):
    "Morphologie de microrivières",
    GDR Midi Carry le Rouet juin.
  • O. Romain & P.Y. Lagrée (2007):
    "Quantification des variations de pressions dans les anévrismes de l'aorte abdominale",
    GDR Interaction Fluide Structure, GDR2760, 9-10 Mai 2007, Marseille
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (25/09/06):
    "Boundary layer methods in Biomechanics"
    Second European Workshop SCAT 25-29/09/06 Paris
  • P.-Y. Lagrée and Lydie Staron (29/09/06):
    "Stability of erodible beds and collapse of column of grains "
    Second European Workshop SCAT 25-29/09 Paris

  • O. Devauchelle, C. Josserand, (P.-Y. Lagrée) & S. Zaleski (2006):
    "Stability of laboratory scale rivers",
    meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society (APS), November 2006
  • P.-Y. Lagrée & K.K.J Kouakou (2006):
    "Stability of an erodible bed in a shear flow",
    Dygram 2006, Rennes 19-23 juin.
  • C. Josserand, P.-Y. Lagrée & D. Lhuillier (2006):
    "Entropic pressure in granular liquids",
    Dygram 2006, Rennes 19-23 juin.
  • D. Lhuillier & P.-Y. Lagrée (2006):
    "On steady avalanches of dense granular media, role of wall friction",
    Workshop GDR Midi, Carry le Rouet 13-15 juin.
  • M. Azzami, T. Cherigui, J. Frelat, M. Karouia & P.-Y. Lagrée (17/01/06):
    "Déformation de la valve Aortique: première approche mécanique",
    exposé à la journée GDR2760 Marseille.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée & K.K.J Kouakou (2005):
    "Stabilité d'un fond érodable sous un écoulement cisaillé",
    Workshop GDR Midi, Carry le Rouet 13-15 juin.
  • K.K.J Kouakou & P.-Y. Lagrée (2004):
    "Stability of an erodible bed in a shear flow",
    Workshop on dunes and sand transport, Carry le Rouet 9-11 juin.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée & K.K.J Kouakou (2004):
    "Displacement of a 2D/ 3D dune in a shear flow",
    Workshop on dunes and sand transport, Carry le Rouet 9-11 juin.
  • C. Josserand, P.-Y. Lagrée & Daniel Lhuillier (2004):
    "Stationary Shear Flow of Granular Matter, a tentative continuum modelling",
    GDR Midi, rencontres du 7-9 juin.
  • C. Josserand, K. Kouakou, P.-Y. Lagrée & Daniel Lhuillier (2003):
    "Continuum-mechanical description of a dense, sheared, granular matter",
    Granular and Particle-Laden Flows, Cambridge, 21-26 Sep 2003.
  • C. Josserand, Lagrée P-Y & D. Lhuillier (2003):
    "Continuum-mechanical description of a dense, sheared, granular matter",
    GDR MiDi le 10-11-12/03/03 à Roscoff.
  • C. Josserand, K.K.J Kouakou Lagrée, P-Y & D. Lhuillier (2003):
    "Equations de couche mince pour les avalanches",
    GDR MiDi le 10-11-12/03/03 à Roscoff.
  • C. Josserand, K.K.J Kouakou, Lagrée P-Y & D. Lhuillier (2003):
    Equations de couche mince pour les avalanches
    GDR MiDi 14/01/03 à l'ESPCI.
  • Lagrée P-Y, Ivan- Fernolendt A. (2001):
    "The chemistry in the BIACORE cell."
    Journée spéciale chambres à flux 12/09/01,
    Congrès S. B. Marseille, paru dans la lettre de la Société de Biomécanique no4, p 56-57.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2001):
    "An Interacting Boundary Layer and a Triple Deck model of dune movement and ripple formation in water",
    Workshop, "Discussions on the formation and dynamics of ripples, dunes and related systems", ESPCI, 02-05 mai 2001.
  • Lagrée P.-Y  (2001):
    "Erosion and sedimentation of a bump in various régimes",
    GDR MiDi Transport de sédiments, 02/03/01 à l'ESPCI.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée & S. Lorthois (2000):
    "Les équations RNS/Prandtl, leur lien avec la double et la triple couche",
    Journées de Metz, 04-05 mai 2000.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2000):
    "Convection thermique mixte sur une plaque horizontale refroidie: disparition de la singularité",
    Journées de Metz, 04-05 mai 2000.
  • Lagrée P.-Y & S. Lorthois (1999):
    "Contrainte pariétale maximale dans les sténoses d'artères carotidiennes",
    Rencontres de la Mécanique le 31 05 99 à Jussieu.
  • Lagrée P.-Y (1999):
    "Méthode inverse pour la mesure de la compliance d'une artère",
    Rencontres de la Mécanique le 31 05 99 à Jussieu.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1994):
    "Influence amont dans un écoulement de convection thermique mixte à faible nombre de Richardson dans le cadre de la théorie de la triple couche",
    journée d'étude sur "les phénomènes chaotiques et la transition en convection thermique" du 16 mars 1994 de la Société Française des Thermiciens.
  • Lagrée P.-Y (1994):
    "Mixed convection at small Richardson number on triple deck scales",
    Communication à "International Conference on Asymptotics in Mechanics St Petersburg 14-17 August 94."
  • P.-Y. Lagrée   (1993):
    "Influence of the entropy layer on triple deck structure in hypersonic régime",
    dans "International workshop on advances in analytical methods in aerodynamics", Miedzyzdrodje, Pologne 12-14 juillet 93.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1992):
    ''Influence de la couche d'entropie sur la longueur de séparation en aérodynamique hypersonique'',
    5-7 oct 1992 Colloque sur les écoulements hypersoniques, Garchy, France. pp. 36- 37.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1990):
    ''Influence de la couche d'entropie sur l'échelle de la région séparée en aérodynamique hypersonique'',
    22-24 oct 1990 Journées d'études sur les écoulements hypersoniques. Roscoff France pp. 26.1- 26.8


    6 Ecoles/ Cours  

  • P.-Y. Lagrée(2014)
    Modèle d'érosion
    Ecole EGRIN

  • P.-Y. Lagrée(2005)
    "Boundary layer flows in large vessels: or Simplified sets of Navier Stokes equations, application to Biomechanics."
    CEA-EDF-INRIA & HaeMOdel school on the "Numerical Simulation of Blood Flows", December 2005 INRIA Rocquencourt.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (25/01/05):
    "Evaluation of the skin friction over a topography with Boundary layer theory. Application to ripple formation",
    Dans le cadre du Trimestre Granulaire (international) à l'Institut Henri Poincaré Séminaire Institut Henri Poincaré

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (09/09)
    "Interacting Boundary Layers"
    "Asymptotic Methods in Fluid Mechanics: Survey and Recent Advances",
    Sep 21, 2009, Sep 25, 2009, CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences Udine.  

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (09/09)
    July 25, 2022, July 29, 2022, CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences Udine.  

  • 1 Brevet (3 inscriptions)  

  • O. Romain, J Mazeyrat, H. Kokabi, P. Garda, P.-Y. Lagrée P.-Y. Lagrée, M. Karouia & P. Leprince, (2007):
    "Endoprothèse intelligente",
    brevet français UPMC, APHP et CNRS, déposé en 2006, N°BFF06P0044.
    08/04/09: Extension internationale 07823472.1 -1526 POT/FR2007001431.
    Endoprosthesis, and method for producing an endoprosthesis
    WO2008029020 March 2008
    EP2059188 May 2009 FR2905260 May 2009

  • 6 Rapports de contrats  

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (10/08)
    "Résolution numérique des équations SAG, Epitaxie Sélective, influence de la diffusion de surface",
    Rapport Alcatel-Thalès III-V Lab

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (01/06)
    "Résolution numérique des équations SAG, Epitaxie Sélective",
    Rapport Alcatel

  • T. Petitet  & P.-Y. Lagrée (1999):
    "Hydroplaning effect",
    Rapport Michelin

  • P. Arighi, C. Capitant, B. Petit & P.-Y. Lagrée (1997):
    "Écoulements dans les réacteurs MOCVD",
    Rapport CNET France Télécom
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1997):
    ''Résolution des équations de couche limite interactive instationnaire et applications'',
    rapport DSPT 8, fév 97.
  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1992):
    ''Structures interactives Fluide Parfait/ Couche limite en hypersonique, Variations autour du thème de la triple couche'',
    Thèse de l'Université Paris VI, Contrat BDI Aérospatiale.

  • 63 Séminaires, Présentations orales.  

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (17/06/2):
    "Ecoulements granulaires : exemples de modélisations continues "
    Séminaire /SÉMINAIRE LMFA (PRÉSENTIEL - ECL) Le 17 juin 2022 Lyon

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (06/11/19):
    "Couche limite"
    Séminaire / journée thématique à Cergy le lundi 21 juin 2021.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (06/11/19):
    "drop impact on a solid surface, short time self similarity"
    Séminaire Imperial College

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (21/06/18):
    "1D models of blood flow in arterial networks: a decision tool for surgery"
    BIOMEDInnov Summer School colloque franco-canadien du 18 au 22 Juin, SU Jussieu

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (05/06/18):
    UE ITEC "la biomécanique"
    Sciences de l'ingénieur au service de la médecine, hôpital Trousseau

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (16/01/2018):
    "Présentation HCERES"

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (06/02/18):
    "Continuum numerical simulations of granular flows in the μ(I)-rheology framework"
    Séminaire Univ. Twente

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (02/05/17):
    "la biomécanique"
    DFASM1 : Sciences de l'ingénieur au service de la médecine, hôpital Trousseau

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (27/03/2017):
    "modèles 1D pour les écoulements arériels, obtention, limites, examples d'applications"
    Séminaire du Lab. de Maths (LAMFA-AMIENS)

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (22/03/2017)
    "Modélisation des milieux granulaires et fluides à seuil"
    St Gobain CREE Cavaillon

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (14/12/2016 )
    "Paul Germain (1920-2009) and Fluid Mechanics 1945-1970"
    Séminaire ∂'Alembert, UPMC

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (16/11/15):
    "Modélisation de milieux granulaires. Application à l'effondrement des tas de sable et aux sabliers"
    Séminaire Mathocean Bordeaux

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (15/10/15):
    "granular flows from a continuum point of view the fluid point of view μ(I)-rheology for granular flows with Gerris applications to column collapse and hour glass"
    Séminaire Navier Marne la Vallée

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (20/03/15):
    "granular flows from a continuum point of view: μ(I)-rheology for granular flows
    Séminaire du dpt of Geology, Bristol UK

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (26/02/15):
    "granular flows from a continuum point of view the fluid point of view μ(I)-rheology for granular flows with Gerris applications to column collapse and hour glass"
    Séminaire P' Poitiers

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (01/10/14):
    "granular flows from a continuum point of view μ(I)-rheology for granular flows"
    Séminaire du dpt of Applied Maths, Manchester UK

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (03/06/14):
    "granular flows from a continuum point of view μ(I)-rheology for granular flows with Gerris applications to column collapse and hour glass"
    Séminaire de l'INRIA

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (12/03/14):
    "Ecoulements granulaires, du grain à la description Navier Stokes continue"
    Séminaire Aristote, "L'équation du millénaire, Mission impossible." Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (18/02/14):
    "Modélisation de milieux granulaires. Application à l'effondrement des tas de sable et aux sabliers"
    Séminaire d EPFL, Suisse

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (05/12/13):
    "Modélisation des milieux granulaires."
    Science à coeur, UPMC

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (10/10/13):
    "Modélisation de milieux granulaires. Application à l'effondrement des tas de sable et aux sabliers"
    Séminaire du LIMSI-FAST Orsay

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (14/07/13):
    "granular flows from a continuum point of view" the fluid point of view μ(I)-rheology for granular flows with Gerris applications to column collapse and hour glass
    Séminaire Newcatle University NSW, Australie

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (XX/01/13):
    "Groupe FCIH"

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (30/10/12):
    " Modélisation de milieux granulaires. Application à l'effondrement des tas de sable et aux sabliers
    Séminaire du Lab. LAMSIN ENIT Tunis

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (05/04/12):
    "Ecoulements granulaires"
    Séminaire du Lab. Saint Gobain Recherche, Saint Denis

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (25/01/12):
    "Ecoulements granulaires du discret au continu avec Navier Stokes et la rhéologie du mu(I): illustration sur l'éboulement du tas de sable"
    Séminaire du Lab. Ecole Nationale Supérieure Techniques Avancées, ENSTA, Palaiseau

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (06/01/12):
    "1D Models for Blood flows"
    Séminaire Doshisha University Kyoto, Japon

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (10/09/11):
    "Ecoulements sur fonds érodables"
    Séminaire Ecole Nationale Ingénieurs de Tunis, Tunisie

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (16/02/11):
    "Flow over an erodible bed"
    Séminaire Imperial College London, Grande Bretagne

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (06/01/11):
    "Fowler/ Double Deck et Erosion"
    Séminaire Université de Besançon

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (28/10/10):
    Flow over an erodible bed, limits of the Saint Venant/ Shallow Water approach?
    Séminaire Université Technique de Vienne. WIEN 28/10/10

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (/04/10):
    "stabilité des fonds érodables"
    Séminaire Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann à l'Université de Grenoble.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (24/04/09):
    "Écoulement érodant un fond par la formule de Fowler"
    Séminaire groupe de travail ACSIOM, Labo de Maths Université de Montpellier.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (30/04/08):
    "stabilité des fonds érodables"
    Séminaire à l'Université de Lomé, Togo.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (07/02/08):
    "Quelques travaux en cours et projets"
    IJLRA/FCIH, exposé devant la commission AERES.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (02/07/07):
    "Reduced Navier Stokes Equations"
    Dep. Math. App. "Claremont Graduate University", Californie.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (27/04/06):
    Ladhyx, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (16/02/06):
    "Equations de Navier Stokes Réduites"
    Séminaire à l'Institut de la Communication Parlée, Grenoble.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (15/02/06):
    "Stabilité d'un fond érodable dans un écoulement cisaillé: un modèle simplifié de formation de rides et de dunes"
    Séminaire à l'ENSHMG, Université de Grenoble.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (20/01/06):
    "Milieux Granulaires",
    exposé à la journée Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert.

  • P.-Y. Lag rée (30/05/05):
    "Stabilité d'un fond érodable dans un écoulement cisaillé" et "Ecoulement cisaillé d'un milieu granulaire",
    Séminaire au GMCM, Université de Rennes 1.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (29/10/04):
    "Présentation de la Biomécanique au LaMoMe",
    exposé à la journée GDR2760 Marseille.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (16/05/03):
    "Modèles simples d'écoulements sur un sol érodable",
    Séminaire Collège de France

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (27/02/03):
    "Equations de Navier Stokes Réduites pour les écoulements. Applications en biomécanique",
    Séminaire CRESPO, Lab. de Math. App. ENSTA

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (30/10/02):
    "Triple/Double Couche dans un écoulement de Poiseuille: application à la marche descendante à Re = infini",
    Séminaire/ Groupe de travail ESPCI.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (03/10/02):
    "Présentation de la Biomécanique au LaMoMe",
    exposé devant la commission CNRS du LMM.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (29/01/02):
    "Evolution d'un fond érodable sous l'action d'un courant dans différents régimes hydrodynamiques: une approche asymptotique",
    Séminaire Institut de Recherche et Développement IRD Bondy.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (03/07/00):
    "Présentation de la Biomécanique au LaMoMe",
    exposé devant la commission CNRS du LMM.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (13/01/00)
    "Convection thermique mixte",
    Séminaire du Dept Math Appli, Univ. de Metz.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (19/09/99):
    "Méthode inverses & artères",
    exposé devant la commission CNRS du LMM.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (04/99):
    "La résolution du problème de la propagation d'un écoulement pulsé dans un tuyau souple",
    Séminaire de l'Université Est de Timisoara (Roumanie).

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (02/04/99):
    "Deux exemples très classiques de convection thermique forcée réexaminés en convection mixte",
    Séminaire de Mécanique Théorique Paris 6.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (18/11/98):
    "Exemples d'écoulements de convection thermique mixte",
    Séminaire du LIMSI, Orsay.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (15/06/98):
    "La résolution du problème de la propagation d'un écoulement pulsé dans un tuyau souple",
    Séminaire de l'Université de COCODY Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire).

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (16/12/97):
    "convection thermique mixte",
    Séminaire du CORIA INSA, Rouen.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (10/07/97):
    "Couche limite instationnaire",
    Séminaire de l'Univ. Paul Sabatier / MIG Toulouse.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (10/07/97):
    "La résolution du problème de la propagation d'un écoulement pulsé dans un tuyau souple",
    Séminaire de l'Univ. Paul Sabatier / MIG Toulouse.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (14/03/94):
    "Triple deck in hypersonic régime & in mixed convection",
    Séminaire de l'University College London.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (05/1993):
    "Séparation de la couche limite hypersonique",
    Journée hydrodynamque, Montagne Sainte Geneviève.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1992):
    "La triple couche",
    Séminaire au LadHyX.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (31/03/1992):
    "La triple couche",
    Séminaire université de Caen.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (09/90):
    "Influence of the entropy layer on triple deck structure in hypersonic régime",
    exposé devant la commission CNRS du LMM.

  • Vidéos

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1/09/09):
    le Mascaret
    sur TF1 dans l'émission "30 histoires spectaculaires"

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (05/12/13):
    "Modélisation des milieux granulaires."
    Science à coeur, UPMC

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2014):
    Interactive boundary layers : a model for high Reynolds number flow with flow separation Colloque "Mathematical Hydrodynamics 2014", 16-20 juin Ecole Normale Supérieure

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2016):
    Paul Germain et la mécanique des fluides (1945-1970)

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2016):
    Boundary Layer Separation and Asymptotics from 1904 to 1969

  • Divers

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2006):
    Ecoulements cisaillés en couche mince, applications de la couche limite interactive
    Rapport de HDR Mécanique Université Paris VI.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1987):
    Ecoulements hypersoniques
    Rapport de DEA de Mécanique Université Paris VI.

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (2013):
    Maths pour la terre (

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (05/12/13):
    "Modélisation des milieux granulaires." Science à coeur, conférence UPMC

  • P.-Y. Lagrée (1983):
    Une histoire de l'Astronomie
    Ciel Nord (Revue de l'Association Astronomique du Nord).

  • photo (1980):
    Ciel et Espace 81 n 179 p 40.

  • photo (2001):
    photo de caustique, Dossier le monde des sons no 32 de Pour la Science juillet 2001 (article de F. Coulouvrat).

  • photo (2007):
    photo de Mascaret dans le manuel "Découvertes, band 4", Ernst Klett Verlag.

  • photo (2006):
    photo de mascaret dans " Unsteady Turbulence Characteristics in an Undular Bore" C. Koch & H. Chanson

  • photo (2009):
    S. Huet Blog Science de Libération.

  • Soumis Resoumis Insoumis Quasimis Mis Endormis
    - Z. Zou, P. Ruyer, P.-Y. Lagrée, P. Aussillous
    Non-steady discharge of granular media from silo driven by a pressurized gas

    - J-M Fullana, P-Y Lagrée, S. Quignard, T. Coradin
    "A reaction-diffusion modelling of nanoparticles drug delivery"

    - W. Arfoui, M. Safi and P-Y. Lagrée
    "Flow in a solar chimney"

    - R. Yapalparvi and P.-Y. Lagrée
    "Triple deck solutions for supersonic flow past obstacles"

    - P.-Y. Lagrée & D. Lhuillier:
    "Viscous sediment transport".

    - P.-Y. Lagrée, C. Ségoufin & B. Fabre:
    "Using Reduced Navier Stokes/ Prandtl equations to evaluate the stability characteristic of recorder jets".

    - P.-Y. Lagrée & K. Goorman:
    "Self oscillation of a ``one mass'' 2D elastic stenosis".

    Haut de page

    pour les bibliométrophiles: Open Alex 187 H-index: 24.

    Identifiant IdRef : 180669745 notice Identifiant et Referentiel pour l'Ensegn. Sup. et la Rech.

    Author ID : authorId=6603164207 dans scopus.
    Documents: 123
    h-index: 24

    Author ID: mrauthid=600499 MathSci net.
    Total Publications: 21

    Researcher ID: A-6458-2012 Thomson Reuters.
    Total Articles in Publication List: 108
    h-index: 22

    mendeley: mendeley mendeley
    Publications: 101
    h-index: 19

    HAL UPMC, CSD : 8pnvvokAAAAJ CV
    96 entrées

    zbMATH : lagree.pierre-yves
    34 entrées

    ORCID : 0000-0002-3931-6622

    dblp : lagree.pierre-yves
    10 entrées

    pubmed : lagree p
    25 entrées

    Google Scholar ID: 8pnvvokAAAAJ Google scholar.
    h-index 26

    Research Gate P Y LAGREE
    143 Publications RG 34.85 h 25-23