Author = {Dias, M. A. and Audoly, B.},
Journal = {Journal of Elasticity},
Number = {1},
Pages = {49--66},
Title = {``{W}underlich, meet {K}irchhoff'': A general and unified description of elastic ribbons and thin rods},
Volume = {119},
Year = {2015}}
Author = {Jawed, M. K. and Dieleman, P. and Audoly, B. and Reis, P. M.},
Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
Pages = {118302},
Title = {Untangling the mechanics and topology in the frictional response of long overhand elastic knots},
Volume = {115},
Year = {2015}}
Author = {Brun, P.-T. and Audoly, B. and Ribe, N. and Eaves, T. S. and Lister, J. R.},
Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
Number = {17},
Pages = {174501},
Title = {Liquid ropes: a geometrical model for thin viscous jet instabilities},
Volume = {114},
Year = {2015}}
Author = {Audoly, B.},
Booktitle = {Fluid-Structure Interactions in Low-{R}eynolds-Number Flows},
Chapter = {1},
Editor = {Duprat, C. and Stone, H. A.},
Publisher = {RSC publishing},
Series = {RSC Soft Matter},
Title = {Introduction to the elasticity of rods},
Year = {2015}}
Author = {Murisic, N. and Hakim, V. and Kevrekidis, I. and Shvartsman, S. Y. and Audoly, B.},
Journal = {Biophysical Journal},
Pages = {154--163},
Title = {From discrete to continuum models of three-dimensional deformations in epithelial sheets},
Volume = {109},
Year = {2015}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Callan-Jones, A. and Brun, P.-T.},
Booktitle = {Extremely Deformable Structures},
Editor = {Bigoni, D.},
Pages = {137--155},
Publisher = {Springer},
Series = {CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences},
Title = {Dynamic curling of an {Elastica}: a nonlinear problem in elastodynamics solved by matched asymptotic expansions},
Volume = {562},
Year = {2015}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Seffen, K. A.},
Journal = {Journal of Elasticity},
Number = {1},
Pages = {293--320},
Title = {Buckling of naturally curved elastic strips: the ribbon model makes a difference},
Volume = {119},
Year = {2015}}
Author = {Miller, J. T. and Lazarus, A. and Audoly, B. and Reis, P. M.},
Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
Pages = {068103},
Title = {Shapes of a suspended curly hair},
Volume = {112},
Year = {2014}}
Author = {Turlier, H. and Audoly, B. and Prost, J. and Joanny, J. -F.},
Journal = {Biophysical Journal},
Number = {1},
Pages = {114--123},
Title = {Furrow constriction in animal cell cytokinesis},
Volume = {106},
Year = {2014}}
Author = {Brun, P.-T. and Ribe, N. M. and Audoly, B.},
Journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences},
Number = {2171},
Pages = {20140512},
Title = {An introduction to the mechanics of the lasso},
Volume = {470},
Year = {2014}}
Author = {Dias, M. A. and Audoly, B.},
Journal = {Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids},
Pages = {57---80},
Title = {A non-linear rod model for folded elastic strips},
Volume = {62},
Year = {2014}}
Author = {Mora, S. and Maurini, C. and Phou, T. and Fromental, J.-M. and Audoly, B. and Pomeau, Y.},
Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
Pages = {114301},
Title = {Solid drops: Large capillary deformations of immersed elastic rods},
Volume = {111},
Year = {2013}}
Author = {Hure, J. and Audoly, B.},
Journal = {Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids},
Pages = {450--471},
Title = {Capillary buckling of a thin film adhering to a sphere},
Volume = {61},
Year = {2013}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Clauvelin, N. and Brun, P.-T. and Bergou, M. and Grinspun, E. and Wardetzky, M.},
Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics},
Pages = {18--49},
Title = {A discrete geometric approach for simulating the dynamics of thin viscous threads},
Volume = {253},
Year = {2013}}
Author = {Mora, S. and Phou, T. and Fromental, J.-M. and Audoly, B. and Pomeau, Y.},
Journal = {Physical Review Letters E},
Number = {2},
Pages = {026119},
Title = {The shape of an elastic loop strongly bent by surface tension: experiments and comparison with theory},
Volume = {86},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Callan-Jones, A. C. and Brun, P.-T. and Audoly, B.},
Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
Number = {17},
Pages = {174302},
Title = {Self-similar curling of a naturally curved {E}lastica},
Volume = {108},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Batty, C. and Audoly, B. and Grinspun, E.},
Journal = {Transactions on Graphics},
Number = {4},
Pages = {113:1--7},
Title = {Discrete Viscous Sheets},
Volume = {31},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Brun, P.-T. and Ribe, N. M. and Audoly, B.},
Journal = {Physics of fluids},
Number = {4},
Pages = {043102},
Title = {A numerical investigation of the fluid mechanical sewing machine},
Volume = {24},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Pfingstag, G. and Audoly, B. and Boudaoud, A.},
Journal = {Physics of Fluids},
Number = {6},
Pages = {063103},
Title = {Thin viscous sheets with inhomogeneous viscosity},
Volume = {23},
Year = {2011}}
Author = {Audoly, B.},
Journal = {Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics)},
Number = {1},
Pages = {011605},
Title = {Localized buckling of a floating {E}lastica},
Volume = {84},
Year = {2011}}
Author = {Pfingstag, G. and Audoly, B. and Boudaoud, A.},
Journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics},
Pages = {112--148},
Title = {Linear and non-linear stability of floating viscous sheets},
Volume = {683},
Year = {2011}}
Author = {Antkowiak, A. and Audoly, B. and Josserand, C. and Neukirch, S. and Rivetti, M.},
Journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
Number = {26},
Pages = {10400--10404},
Title = {Instant fabrication and selection of folded structures using drop impact},
Volume = {108},
Year = {2011}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Pomeau, Y.},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
Title = {Elasticity and geometry: from hair curls to the nonlinear response of shells},
Year = {2010}}
Author = {Bergou, M. and Audoly, B. and Vouga, E. and Wardetzky, M. and Grinspun, E.},
Journal = {Transactions on Graphics},
Number = {4},
Pages = {116},
Title = {Discrete Viscous Threads},
Volume = {29},
Year = {2010}}
Author = {Clauvelin, N. and Audoly, B. and Neukirch, S.},
Journal = {Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids},
Pages = {1623---1656},
Title = {Matched asymptotic expansions for twisted elastic knots: a self-contact problem with non-trivial contact topology},
Volume = {57},
Year = {2009}}
Author = {Clauvelin, N. and Audoly, B. and Neukirch, S.},
Journal = {Biophysical Journal},
Number = {9},
Pages = {3716--3723},
Title = {Elasticity and electrostatics of plectonemic {DNA}},
Volume = {96},
Year = {2009}}
Author = {Neukirch, S. and Clauvelin, N. and Audoly, B.},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IUTAM} symposium on Cellular, Molecular and Tissue Mechanics held at {Woods Hole, Mass., USA}, June 18--21, 2008},
Editor = {Garikipati, Krishna and Arruda, Ellen M.},
Publisher = {Springer Verlag},
Series = {IUTAM Bookseries},
Title = {Elastic and electrostatic model for {DNA} in rotation-extension experiments},
Volume = {16},
Year = {2009}}
Author = {Bertails, F. and Audoly, B. and Cani, M.-P.},
Journal = {Techniques de l'ing{\'e}nieur},
Month = {August},
Title = {Chevelures num{\'e}riques},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Clauvelin, N. and Audoly, B. and Neukirch, S.},
Journal = {Macromolecules},
Number = {12},
Pages = {4479--4483},
Title = {Mechanical Response of Plectonemic {DNA}: An Analytical Solution},
Volume = {41},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Pomeau, Y. and Jamin, T. and Le Bars, M. and Le Gal, P. and Audoly, B.},
Journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences},
Number = {2095},
Pages = {1851--1866},
Title = {Law of spreading of the crest of a breaking wave},
Volume = {464},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Bergou, M. and Wardetzky, M. and Robinson, S. and Audoly, B. and Grinspun, E.},
Journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
Number = {3},
Pages = {63:1--63:12},
Title = {Discrete Elastic Rods},
Volume = {27},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Reis, P. M. and Audoly, B. and Roman, B.},
Journal = {Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science},
Number = {4},
Pages = {041108},
Title = {Cracking sheets: oscillatory fracture paths in thin elastic sheets},
Volume = {18},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Boudaoud, A.},
Journal = {Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids},
Number = {7},
Pages = {2444--2458},
Title = {Buckling of a thin film bound to a compliant substrate (part 3). {H}erringbone solutions at large buckling parameter},
Volume = {56},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Boudaoud, A.},
Journal = {Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids},
Number = {7},
Pages = {2422--2443},
Title = {Buckling of a thin film bound to a compliant substrate (part 2). {A} global scenario for the formation of herringbone pattern},
Volume = {56},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Boudaoud, A.},
Journal = {Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids},
Number = {7},
Pages = {2401--2421},
Title = {Buckling of a thin film bound to a compliant substrate (part 1). {F}ormulation, linear stability of cylindrical patterns, secondary bifurcations},
Volume = {56},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Clauvelin, N. and Neukirch, S.},
Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
Number = {16},
Pages = {164301},
Title = {Elastic Knots},
Volume = {99},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Bertails, F. and Audoly, B. and Cani, M-P. and Querleux, B. and Leroy, F. and L\'ev\^eque, J.-L.},
Booktitle = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
Month = {August},
Pages = {1180--1187},
Title = {Super-Helices for Predicting the Dynamics of Natural Hair},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Bertails, F. and Audoly, B. and Querleux, B. and Leroy, F. and L{\'e}v{\^e}que, J.-L. and Cani, M.-P.},
Booktitle = {Eurographics (short papers), Dublin (IR)},
Editor = {Dingliana, J. and Ganovelli, F.},
Month = {August},
Organization = {Eurographics},
Title = {Predicting Natural Hair Shapes by Solving the Statics of Flexible Rods},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Neukirch, S.},
Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
Number = {9},
Pages = {095505},
Title = {Fragmentation of Rods by Cascading Cracks: Why Spaghetti Does Not Break in Half},
Volume = {95},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Reis, P. M. and Roman, B.},
Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
Pages = {025502},
Title = {Cracks in Thin Sheets: When Geometry Rules the Fracture Path},
Volume = {95},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Roman, B. and Reis, P. M.},
Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
Pages = {129601},
Title = {Comment on Crack Street: The Cycloidal Wake of a Cylinder Tearing through a Thin Sheet},
Volume = {94},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Audoly, B.},
Booktitle = {Theories of Plates and Shells, Critical Review and New Application},
Chapter = {2},
Pages = {13--20},
Publisher = {Springer},
Series = {Lecture notes in applied and computational mechanics},
Title = {Geometric boundary layers in shells with mixed type},
Volume = {16},
Year = {2004}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Boudaoud, A.},
Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
Month = {Aug},
Number = {8},
Pages = {086105},
Title = {Self-Similar Structures near Boundaries in Strained Systems},
Volume = {91},
Year = {2003}}
Author = {Roman, B. and Reis, P. M. and Audoly, B. and De Villiers, S. and Viguie, V. and Vallet, D.},
Journal = {Comptes Rendus Mecanique},
Number = {12},
Pages = {811--816},
Title = {Oscillatory fracture paths in thin elastic sheets},
Volume = {331},
Year = {2003}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Sen, P. N. and Ryu, S. and Song, Y. -Q.},
Journal = {Journal of Magnetic Resonance},
Number = {1},
Pages = {154--159},
Title = {Correlation functions for inhomogeneous magnetic field in random media with application to a dense random pack of spheres},
Volume = {164},
Year = {2003}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Pomeau, Yves},
Journal = {Comptes Rendus Mecanique},
Number = {6},
Pages = {425--432},
Title = {The elastic torus: anomalous stiffness of shells with mixed type},
Volume = {330},
Year = {2002}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Roman, B. and Pocheau, A.},
Journal = {The European Physical Journal B},
Pages = {7--10},
Title = {Secondary buckling patterns of a thin plate under in-plane compression},
Volume = {27},
Year = {2002}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Boudaoud, A.},
Journal = {Comptes Rendus M{\'e}canique},
Number = {12},
Pages = {831--836},
Title = {`{R}uban {\`a} godets': an elastic model for ripples in plant leaves},
Volume = {330},
Year = {2002}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Berestycki, H. and Pomeau, Y.},
Journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Astronomy},
Number = {3},
Pages = {255--262},
Title = {Reaction diffusion en ecoulement stationnaire rapide},
Volume = {328},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Audoly, B.},
Journal = {Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids},
Number = {11},
Pages = {2315--2332},
Title = {Mode-dependent toughness and the delamination of compressed thin films},
Volume = {48},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Audoly, B. and Pomeau, Y.},
Booktitle = {Peyresq Lecture Notes on Nonlinear Phenomena},
Chapter = {1},
Editor = {Kaiser, R. and Montaldi, J.},
Pages = {1--35},
Publisher = {World Scientific},
Title = {Elasticity and geometry},
Year = {2000}}
Address = {Paris, France},
Author = {Audoly, B.},
Month = {Jan},
School = {\'Ecole normale sup{\'e}rieure, University Paris VI},
Title = {Elasticit{\'e} et g{\'e}om{\'e}trie : de la rigidit{\'e} des surfaces {\`a} la d{\'e}lamination en fil de t{\'e}l{\'e}phone},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Audoly, B.},
Journal = {Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids},
Number = {9},
Pages = {1851--1864},
Title = {Asymptotic study of the interfacial crack with friction},
Volume = {48},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Audoly, B.},
Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
Month = {Nov},
Number = {20},
Pages = {4124--4127},
Title = {Stability of Straight Delamination Blisters},
Volume = {83},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Audoly, B.},
Journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Acad\'emie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics},
Number = {4},
Pages = {313--316},
Title = {Rigidifying curves on surfaces},
Volume = {328},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Quaranta, J.-F. and Maiolini, R. and Cassuto, J.-P. and Dujardin, P. and Conil, J.-G. and Campagni, J.-P. and Milano, G. and Masseyeff, R. and Audoly, P.},
Journal = {La Revue de M{\'e}decine Interne},
Month = {6},
Title = {Anomalies humorales au cours du psoriasis},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1980}}