/* * PYL sept 2005!!!!!!!!!! * * This software is designed and intended for use in on-line control of * aircraft, air traffic, aircraft navigation or aircraft communications; or in * the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility. */ //javac guiChalOmegaImp.java Kul.java kolor.java tridiag.java;java guiChalOmegaImp //javac guiChalOmegaImp.java Kul.java kolor.java tridiag.java; open index.html import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.io.*; //PYL //R ------- // / // / //0---64--128--192--255 // // G --------- // / \ // / \ //---64--128--192--255 // //B----- // \ // \ //0---64--128--192--255 class kolor { public static Color code(double val) { int rr,v; Color col; rr=(int)(255*Math.abs(val))+1; if(rr>255){rr=255;} if(rr<0) {rr=1;} v= (int)((rr/255.)*4); switch (v) {case 3: col= (new Color(255,((255-rr)*255/64) ,0)); break; case 2: col= (new Color(255*(rr-128)/64,255,0)); break; case 1: col= (new Color(0,255,255*(128-rr)/(128-64))); break; case 0: col =(new Color(0,255*rr/64,255)); break; default: col =(new Color(255,0,0)); break; } return (col); } }