1 0 GfsSimulation GfsBox GfsGEdge { # shift origin of the domain x = 0.5 y = 0.5} { # Mars 2009 a partir de Boussinesq.gfs # # # Time { end = 1.0 dtmax = 0.0005 } # Use a refinement of 6 levels dx=0.015625 # dx^2 /2 = 0.000122 Refine 6 # Add a passive tracer called T VariableTracer T # Add diffusion to tracer T SourceDiffusion T 1.00 GfsInit {} { T = 1 } # Writes the time and timestep every 50 timesteps on standard error OutputTime { step= 0.05 } stderr OutputLocation { step = 0.01 } vals.data cut.dat # Outputs the simulation every 10 timesteps put in a directory called TURE OutputSimulation { istep = 10 } stdout OutputPPM { step= 0.05 } { ppm2mpeg > T.mpg } { min = 0 max = 1 v = T } OutputPPM { step = .1 } TURE/ture-%3.1f.ppm { min = 0.0 max = 1 v = T } } # adiabatic at the top and bottom, imposed ture on the right and left, no slip everywhere GfsBox { left = Boundary { BcNeumann T 0 } right = Boundary { BcDirichlet T 0 } top = Boundary { BcNeumann T 0 } bottom = Boundary { BcNeumann T 0 } } #p "< awk '{if($1<0.1)print $0}' vals.data" u ((1-$2)/($1**.5)):9w p ,(erf((x)/2)) w l #p "< awk '{if($1<0.2)print $0}' vals.data" u ((1-$2)):9w p,''u 2:(erf(($2/$1**.5)/2))+exp(Bi*($2+$1*Bi))*erfc($2/($1**.5)/2 +Bi*$1**.5) w p